
property monopoly hotel

Real Estate Team of the Year: the shortlist

Last year Taylor Wessing fought off stiff competition to win the award for Real Estate Team of the Year at TheLawyer Awards, in association with Travellers. This year our external panel of judges, currently in the process of reviewing the submissions, has narrowed the potential winners for this category down to a shortlist of seven firms.

Never too senior to seek outside counsel

The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of the word mentor is ‘an experienced and trusted adviser’. In the popular imagination that has come to mean a relationship where someone very senior imparts wisdom to someone very junior. But does it have to be that way?

Bratton Tim Index

The Lawyer GC Strategy Summit: the view from Sintra

Your GC Summit correspondent files this copy from the Penha Longa hotel in Sintra, near Lisbon.  He has stayed in shabbier places to be fair. Tough moments of this ‘tour de law’ have included drinks overlooking the golf course and dinner in a fort with a sea view.  No stone has been unturned in ensuring […]