
Paralegals are hard workers, not minions

When was the last time you were a minion? If you are a typical reader of The Lawyer the answer is probably a long time ago, if ever. Even as a lowly trainee or pupil you were one of the favoured children: the future of the business. This week’s cover feature, however, looks at the […]

Africa – the great opportunity

Africa is rapidly becoming the global economic growth engine. Half of the world’s 25 fastest-growing nations are in Africa and almost 40 per cent of the continent will achieve GDP growth of more than 5 per cent in 2016. The population is set to grow by 50 per cent to 1.5bn by 2030, and by 2040, Africa’s working-age population will rise to 1.1bn from about 500m today – greater than the working-age populations of China and India combined.

Star legal writers: litigation

How to increase your chance of success in corporate intelligence cases, avoid compromising future claims in settlements and ­tackling the Trump tarnish come top in our litigation briefings

In-house Financial Services Conference: open to debate

Regulatory change, compounded by Brexit, is just one of many challenges faced by in-house lawyers in financial services. These were the issues under discussion at The Lawyer’s in-house financial services conference in London, attended by over 100 in-house lawyers.