Mayer Brown’s London-based vice-chair Paul Maher has been overlooked in the firm’s management rejig with his US-based counterpart winning the newly created role of firmwide managing partner.

Paul Maher

Paul Maher

As expected, the firm has elected Bert Krueger as its new chairman as part of a management overhaul that has seen it create a seven member management committee and 12 member partnership board.

London senior partner Sean Connolly has won a position on the management committee while Maher’s co-vice-chair Ken Geller, who is based in Washington DC, is to become the firm’s global managing partner.

The roles will become effective on 1 June.

The new structure replaces a triumvirate leadership structure that has seen chairman Jim Holzhauer and vice-chairs Maher and Geller run the firm along with a 16-member policy and planning committee.

This week’s issue of The Lawyer revealed the new management structure and the fact that the vice-chair role would be abolished (13 April).

According to Holzhauer the changes mark a watershed for Mayer Brown. He said: “The management committee which will have most of the authority now vested in policy and planning will be the small, nimble group needed to respond quickly and decisively to changing market conditions and capitalise more fully on the inherent strengths of our global platform.”

Under the governance structure London-based European real estate head Jeremy Clay has won a place on the partnership board.

Members of the management committee:

Palo Alto partner Cabel Chinnis

London head Sean Connolly

New York partner Paul Jorissen

Paris head Jean-Phiippe Lambert

Hong Kong partner Elaine Yo

Chicago partner Paul Theiss

Chairman Bert Krueger

Members of the partnership board together with management committee:

London partner Jeremy Clay

Charlotte partner Carol Hitselberger

Chicago partner Michelle Odorizzi

Washington DC partner Peter White

Frankfurt partner Jorg Wulfken