DAC Beachcroft and Eversheds made the most appearances for employers in the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in 2015 and the first three quarters of 2016, according to data compiled by The Lawyer.

DAC Beachcroft made 17 appearances while Eversheds appeared 13 times.

These rankings are based on recorded judgments tracked in The Lawyer Litigation Tracker, a live database of more than 6,000 recorded judgments in English and Singaporean courts.

The Lawyer Litigation Tracker includes 399 recorded judgments in the EAT.

DAC Beachcroft topped the rankings by frequently representing the NHS, the UK’s largest employer. It advised an NHS Trust or other non-Trust NHS institutions at 15 of its 17 EAT appearances.

Eversheds advised a wider variety of clients, including BAE Systems, Queen Mary University of London and London Underground.

Thompsons Solicitors secured the number one position for advising individuals or unions, often against public sector employers. It represented an individual or union in all but one of its 17 EAT appearances.

Slater & Gordon and Squire Patton Boggs both appeared nine times and Weightmans, Capsticks Solicitors and DWF each appeared eight times.

But while DAC Beachcroft and Thompsons Solicitors lead on total appearance rankings, the data reveals that no law firm dominates this court. The two firms’ combined 34 appearances only represents seven per cent of the total number of appearances by firms.

Some 265 law firms represented clients at the EAT in 2015 and the first three quarters of 2016. 192, or 72 per cent of these, only made one appearance.

These findings are based on recorded judgments tracked in The Lawyer Litigation Tracker, a live database of more than 6,000 cases. To enquire about purchasing The Lawyer Litigation Tracker, please contact Richard Edwards on 020 7970 4672 or richard.edwards@centaurmedia.com.