This week’s most-read stories featured a number of our long analysis pieces, beginning with an in-depth look at Slaughter and May’s strategy and whether it still stacks up in today’s global legal market.

Other long reads which made it into the top 10 included last week’s leadership interview with Allen & Overy‘s new management line-up of Andrew Ballheimer and Wim Dejonghe; a look at the firms shortlisted for The Lawyer Awards Litigation Team of the Year; and a focus on the technological ‘revolution’ blockchain.

Editor Catrin Griffiths’ leader on the move to low-cost service centres also proved popular, as did the latest in our series of ‘My Career Stories’. Baker & McKenzie partner Jannan Crozier spoke about her move to partnership whilst pregnant.

In the news, Linklaters hit back at the MPs’ committees inquiring into the collapse of retailer BHS after their questioning last week.

Fieldfisher revealed its financial results with turnover breaking the £120m barrier, and we revealed that the Serious Fraud Office is engaged in a court battle against mining giant ENRC which will be heard in secret.

Finally, Baker & McKenzie elected London managing partner Paul Rawlinson as its first-ever UK-based global chair.