Lawyers and business services staff from across the UK legal industry joined the masses yesterday in bringing their dogs to polling stations as they cast their vote in the general election.

Martin Hamilton, managing partner at Capsticks, was among the crowd, attending his local polling station with his salt n pepper miniature schnauzer. In a LinkedIn post, Hamilton wrote: “The schnauzer wants a word if you’re wondering whether to vote…”

Hamilton was not the only one at Capsticks to take their pooch to the polls. Senior partner Rachael Heenan did too. Accompanying a picture of her black labrador on LinkedIn were the words: “Free licks for voters. Treats accepted.”

Meanwhile, Holly Mieville-Hawkins, head of mental capacity at Michelmores, posted a picture of her terrier out and about in Bristol, while encouraging her network to vote.

Elsewhere, real estate of counsel Elizabeth Booth from CMS “dragged” her four-legged friend out to the polls in Sheffield, while ‘Lola’ supported future trainee at Trowers & Hamlins Laura Smith as she cast her vote.

Corporate associate Josie Rogers at Howes Percival also jumped on the bandwagon, posting an “obligatory” picture of her pooch in Cambridge.

Some members of the editorial team at The Lawyer were also joined by their canine companions yesterday.

International editor Alex Taylor took his Dachshund called Pilot out to the polling station in London, while regional editor and sustainability lead Jessica Boak was accompanied by miniature schnauzer Olive in Yorkshire.

Pilot and Olive
Pilot and Olive

For further election coverage, read the blog here.